Record Citations
A conference proceeding on raising awareness : exploring the ideas of creating higher education common space in Southeast Asia (2008 : Bangkok), Supachai Yavaprabhas, SEAMEO RIHED, & SEAMEO, R. C. f. H. E. a. D. (2009). Raising awareness : exploring the ideas of creating higher education common space in Southeast Asia : A conference proceeding. Bangkok: SEAMEO RIHED.
MLA CitationA conference proceeding on raising awareness : exploring the ideas of creating higher education common space in Southeast Asia (2008 : Bangkok), Supachai Yavaprabhas, SEAMEO RIHED, and Regional Center for Higher Education and Development SEAMEO. Raising Awareness : Exploring the Ideas of Creating Higher Education Common Space in Southeast Asia : A Conference Proceeding. Bangkok: SEAMEO RIHED, 2009.